So.....every Sunday night I watch Extreme Makeover Home of my fav shows ever....I always cry, wait I take that back....I bawl my eyes out! The episode tonight hit really close to home though.......this lady is a photographer and from Texas......her third child was born premature and spend a long time in NICU and they almost lost him........she photographed her time she and her family spent with him in the hospital and realized how precious that time was and how great it would be to capture those moments for others. You have to watch was so inspiring and really makes me want to start doing more volunteer/inspiring/creative/documentational shoots to help others! So I am a huge dog lover.....huge! I never was until I rescued my little black schnauzer Babee! I am single, no kids....Babee is my kid, she is my baby girl.....I know that might sound rediculous to some people, but for those of you out there that do not have kids yet and that do want a family, to be a mother, a wife, but just have not found that man to start that life with...those of you can relate with me on a dog (or animal) being your kid, a very important part of your life! A friend of mine lost her dog last week, totally unexpected, had a stroke and she had to put her down! As soon as she told me that I just cried my eyes out! (If yall can not tell......I am huge sap, I cry alot, happy cries, sad cries, inspired cries, excited cries, etc.....) I think it is so unfair that dogs life spans are so short, why can't they live as long as we do???? That is how big of a dog person I what I am trying to say is that dogs are kids to some people and since they have such a short life span, wouldn't they love to have documentation of that very important furry friend in those few years of their lives???? I would love to have the land and man power to start rescuing dogs from the pound.....if I could, I would go to the pound everyday and rescue all the dogs that are fixing to be put down and find a family or person to adopt them.......I know that the dog population would be crazy if that did not happen, but what if that dog could bring the biggest joy, life, happiness to some family/person that just lost their dog???? You know what I mean???? Every end has a new beginning! I would love to spend a couple of hours with a family/person that has a special dog in their family and shoot them interacting, living, loving that animal! Give me some feed back.....let me know what yall think and if yall know anyone who would appreicate something like this??????? Below is my Babee Doll.....she sleeps with me and the best part of the whole day is when we go to bed.....she gets so takes her about 30 minutes of digging and rolling around, to make her perfect spot to go to sleep! I love tha dog, way to much!
Wow....I don't I have every written this much on a blog....ever! I like it!

Look at her tongue sticking out! Cracks me up!

Brown eyed girl! She is black, black as black can be! however in her older age she is turning brown in spots! look at her beard!

Digging to make her bed perfect!

Profile pic!

She hates having her pic take, I think the flash hurts her eyes! This last pic is the best one I have ever gotten of her!
PS......schnauzers are kinda high maintence dogs......I have the best groomer, ever, here in Ballinger! Dog Gone Pretty Pet Salon.....Mickey is so great with all of my dogs and does a fantastic job with their haircuts! Babee goes to the "beauty shop" at least every two months! She likes Mickey! She told me so! haha! Just Joking....I am not that crazy!
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